Emma Threadgold

What is Reiki
Rei-Ki is a system of natural healing involving the laying on of hands and is thousands of years old.
Reiki is a safe,gentle and non intrusive healing technique.It uses spiritual energy to treat physical ailments without using pressure,manipulation or massage.
It is a holistic system for balancing,healing and harmonising all aspects of a person.
Reiki uses the bodys natural energy,chakra's and Aura to balance the person.

Reiki can be translated as "universal life force energy" . The word can be seperated into two parts
Rei is translated as " wisdom & knowledge of the universe", therefore understanding the need for healing.
Ki is the life - force energy which flows through every living thing........

Reiki is performed fully clothed whilst lying on a couch ( a chair may be used in some circumstances)
Reiki energy is channelled into the reciepient by a series of hand movements, i usually place my hands a little above the body in the energy field.
The energy goes to and works where it is most needed, by balancing and releasing blocked energies.

The flow of energy may be felt by the recipient as, warmth,tingling sensation or a pulling sensation.Some people can feel emotion as the energy blocks are removed.
some people do not experience these sensations, but can feel calm and relaxed.